About Me
I am a psychologist as well as a therapist.
I have worked as a business psychologist for 20 years, and understand the pressures of corporate life, having worked with senior leaders in this line of work.
I came to working as a therapist to understand myself better, and get to the heart of what really matters in people’s lives.
How I work
I allow you as the client to direct the process. I will provide the supportive space for you to tell your story and together we will build the relationship that will enable us to examine things more deeply.
I help clients make sense of the things that are happening for them, bringing perspective and grounding. I will also offer my thoughts, reflections and challenge, recognising that you may well want and need input, not just a listening ear.
My Therapeutic Training
I am trained as a transpersonal therapist. I trained at the Psychosynthesis Trust in London.
This means that I hold the following beliefs about what is important:
Our struggles or “symptoms” are better viewed as “signs” that we should look at closely rather than try to get rid of.
It is important to look at what you value, what gives you meaning and what you want to move towards rather than just what you want to move away from.
We feel healthier when in connection with something bigger than ourselves.
We exist within a number of systems - family systems, society, organisations, communities. Sometimes our struggles stem from our role in those systems.
Therapy is fundamentally about rediscovering, or strengthening our connection with, who we fundamentally are underneath the ways we’ve adapted to function in these systems.